Containment: The Zombies Are In Brisbane...

The Zombies Are In Brisbane...
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Brisbane is facing an imminent zombie breakout with Australia’s first large-scale interactive zombie adventure game set to take over Brisbane Powerhouse.

Inspired by cult-classic adventure films and trending TV shows, 'Containment' combines live adventure gaming, theatre, ground-breaking technology and world creation to generate an entirely new breed of entertainment.

Injected into a movie-like post-apocalyptic world filled with blockbuster sets and live actors, audience members find themselves at the heart of the story, where every action, choice and movement impacts their chances of success.

This 90-minute strategy-based team adventure game is the brainchild of Australian cool-chasers the Directors of the Extraordinary; pioneers of Brisbane’s largest escape-the-room game, 'Escape Hunt Brisbane', and Brisbane’s first mass real-life prison break game, 'The Great Escape From Boggo Road Gaol'.

Directors of the Extraordinary Co-Founder Giovanna Shakhovskoy says 'Containment' was the company’s most ambitious adventure game to date, staged over all four levels of Brisbane Powerhouse including backstage haunts and secret passageways.

“Participants become the heroes of the story as they infiltrate the zombie infection zone, figure out what’s going on and ultimately save the world,” Giovanna says.

“'Containment' is high-fidelity entertainment that gives people the rare opportunity to be in the centre of their own zombie adventure. Who hasn’t dreamt of being in 'The Walking Dead' or 'World War Z'?”

Co-Founder Matt Shakhovskoy says 'Containment' epitomised the Directors of the Extraordinary’s unique brand of ‘adventure gaming’.

“We are working at the intersection between interactive theatre, live gaming, story, technology and world creation to form an entirely new genre of entertainment,” Matt says.

'Containment' is on at Brisbane Powerhouse from 18-29 October.

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