A new interactive theatre experience, 'Confetti & Chaos', comes to this year’s Adelaide Fringe.
It’s a wedding reception, but the worst you’ve ever been invited to. A surprise party turned into pandemonium, the show’s audience are wedding guests caught in the crossfire in this hilarious and often improvised comedy.
Monique Lewis Reynolds, who plays the dual roles of Lynn and Mel in 'Confetti & Chaos', finds a nice way to explain the duality of the show: “If you’ve ever been to a wedding where things inevitably don’t go to plan, that is exactly what happens when you turn up to 'Confetti & Chaos',” she says.
“We very beautifully make all our guests feel like they’re part of this surprise wedding reception for Will and Stacey, that Stacey’s mum Lynn has manipulated and thrown together at the last minute.
“Stacey always had this dream of a wonderful wedding but because they didn’t have much money, they get married quietly. Lynn and her husband Ray decide that can’t happen, and they manipulate this wonderful surprise.”
A gorgeous, heart-warming play, the audience is guaranteed to be enveloped into this family dynamic, the cast ensuring attendees get excited for the wonderful surprise that is the wedding reception, throwing confetti and meeting the family members and understanding the family dynamic. “There are some uninvited guests turning up,” Monique says, “which always creates drama and tension!”
Speaking of guests, 'Confetti & Chaos' is brought to Fringe audiences by Interactive Theatre International, the same production company behind the global smash hit 'Faulty Towers The Dining Experience' (in which Monique actually plays Sybil). The hilarity and wit found in 'Confetti & Chaos' comes not just from its impromptu script and bold characters, but the immersive experience of the audience being treated as part of the wedding reception. “As a comparison to what happens in 'Faulty', it’s quite dynamic to have guests arrive,” says Monique. “It’s interesting – there are a few tension moments between Will and Stacey and you find the audience will side with Stacey or Will.

“People are beautiful; I, as Lynn, spend time endowing guests with ‘you must be cousins from mum’s side or dad’s side’, or ‘we haven’t seen you since you were little!’
“In our interactive world of theatre, you get a vibe off people as to whether they’re happy to play along or they just want to hide under the table, so you leave them alone. We never make people feel terribly uncomfortable or force them into playing.”
Monique and the rest of the cast are aware of a medium they need to balance. “My character, Lynn, is very warm and vivacious, and it’s usually quite easy to get people to play. If they’re not happy to do that, you go along with that as well.”
For Adelaide Fringe attendees spoilt for choice, and those who generally aren’t huge theatre-goers, 'Confetti & Chaos', Monique says, is a unique experience well worth a look for the fact that the show provides a wonderful meal.
“You don’t just get a fantastic and immersive theatre production for two hours, you get a beautiful three course meal that makes you feel like you’re at a wedding!”
“The majority of Fringe events are short and snappy, and we’re giving you a night out. You get to come and have a night out where you’re completely immersed, and what’s nice is you can bring a bunch of your friends or family and share this experience together, out loud, discussing and talking, as opposed to sitting in rows.
“You get to process and have fun through the whole show, it’s quite unique in that respect. Living in the moment!”
'Confetti & Chaos' plays Adelaide Room at Adelaide Royal Coach (Adelaide Fringe) 10-19 March.