Reading about 'Cluedo! The Interactive Game' by Brisbane Immersive Ensemble, it was initially hard to fully comprehend exactly what the show was about. We were expecting just that: A show, but upon reading more into it, they emphasised the interactivity.
Eventually, we realised that it was less of a show and more of a party meets escape room themed around our favourite board game, Cluedo!
Intrigued, and still a little apprehensive of the concept, we were excited to attend, and mostly delighted with what we found. Except that we were introverts.
When we arrived, we found that we were attending a party (Dr Black’s party at Fortitude Valley’s Beadeker Wine Bar to be exact), where we were merely guests. After making a speech (which we thought was the beginning of the show, but was more an introduction for the evening), Dr Black disappeared, the main characters dispersed, and we were left slightly confused as to what to do next. Were we supposed to walk around? Explore? Sit down and wait? And for how long? Accompanying our thoughts was an authentic jazz band, delicious food and fine wine, and complete glitz and glam as if we were back in the 1930s - exceptionally done, and absolutely beautifully executed. Once we got our bearings, and wondered around a bit, we realised that the house was open for exploring, and that we should be doing just that!
With different ‘characters’ around each corner, each having their own conversations with each other and the attendees of the party, it was confusing to know exactly where we should be and what we should be doing. We felt as though we were missing parts, as we’d see one scene ending and one beginning here and there, however we slowly caught on to who was who. It was also emphasised (in the instructions that were given out upon entry) that we should be talking with other guests and collaborating information and insights throughout the night. This part of the party continued for over an hour – arguably about 20 minutes too long.

After a while, an ear-piercing scream ripped through the building, and Dr Black was proclaimed ‘dead’. We were getting curious about when the real mystery-solving would begin, and finally this was it. We had the chance to interrogate individual cast members about their relationship with Dr Black and record it in our detective handbooks that we were given (again, they executed the night excellently, and their attention to detail was exquisite). Armed with the confidence of (by then several glasses of) champagne, we rallied together with others guests and raced through the rooms, extracting all the information that we could, with the incentive of being the first team to crack the case! It was a really enjoyable second half of the night, even for the most introverted of us.
In classic Cluedo! style, game cards with the weapon, room, and culprit are drawn at random before each show, ensuring a truly unique outcome every time. Unlike anything we’ve seen before, the immersive experience is one that will leave you laughing, satisfied, and immediately wanting to pull out your old Cluedo! game from under the couch.
Definitely recommended for a larger group (particularly if you’re more of the introverted type, surrounding yourself with a detective team that you know will help with your ‘investigation’ will make the night more enjoyable), so you can split up and pool your resources throughout the night.