Buona Sera Signorina – Etta D'Elia Teaches A Musical Lesson In Culture At Fringe World

'Buona Sera Signorina'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

After a successful 2023 debut, Italian vocalist Etta D'Elia returns to Fringe World with 'Buona Sera Signorina’.

Be prepared to be transported to La Dolce Vita, in a show which sets out to both educate and entertain through music and performance. Etta and her jazz band will hit the stage with jazz renditions of Italian songs, and Etta's trademark Mediterranean humour.

“'Buona Sera Signorina' is a show that was born during COVID times when I was feeling nostalgic about my own country and unable to fly back to visit my family and friends,” Etta says.

“While listening to all the songs that reminded me of my childhood, I realised that some of them could be amazing tunes to be reimagined in a jazz context. My 'Buona Sera' debut at the State Theatre was last year during Fringe '23. It was a great success, and this year, we will be performing brand-new song arrangements. I will cover different aspects and curiosities of Italian culture, aiming to bring forth diverse elements in our performance.”

Etta speaks about the audience's involvement in 'Buona Sera Signorina'.

“As always, when proposing a new show, it is very interesting to see the people's reaction. I know for sure that some Italians will start singing along, some will answer back when I tease them, and some will probably come up with a very funny joke. The interaction with my audience is essential for me, and what makes me very happy is to see all the patrons enjoying the night and being involved as if they were part of the show.”

Of course, this isn't Etta's first Fringe World. The debut of ' Buona Sera Signorina' was met with great success, and while Etta is excited to get back up on the stage, she's also keen to be an audience member throughout the festival.

“Fringe season is the magic moment of the year!” she says. “It is so nice to see the city vibrant with all the artists presenting their creations! I look forward to presenting my work to the audience but also to watch and learn from other artists involved in Fringe.”

If you saw the show last year, don't fret – the 2024 iteration packs just as much of a punch, while adding some new elements as well.

“'This is the second edition of the original show. Compared to last year, there will be many more new songs such as 'An Evening In Roma,' 'Arrivederci Roma,' 'Love in Portofino,' just to mention a few. If you watched the first 'Buona Sera', you will love this new one,” Etta explains. “And if you are new to this Italian extravaganza, you will love it too!”

“Additionally, 'Buona Sera' is not only a show for Italians but for anyone interested in Italian music and culture. Everyone is welcome!”

'Buona Sera Signorina' is on at The Courtyard at State Theatre Centre of WA (Fringe World Perth) 19-21 January.

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