From Tim Watts and Wyatt Nixon-Lloyd comes their latest effort, 'Bruce', the story of an ordinary guy, who just happens to be a sponge.
In keeping with the thrifty wizardry of their previous shows – puppet shows 'The Adventures Of Alvin Sputnik' and 'It's Dark Outside' – 'Bruce' is deceptively simple in visual design, the characters portrayed by sponges with googley-eyes. But don't be misled by such a simple description, 'Bruce', as did its predecessors, boasts a narrative of tremendous depth.
Bruce is an astronaut, an unusually accomplished career for a sponge. All is not well, his spaceship has malfunctioned, and he appears destined to burn up on re-entry. As Bruce fights to gain control of his vessel, the audience experiences his life unfolds, his love affair with a brilliant astrophysics – Debbie – and his terrifying duel with a malevolent Russian mobster – Joe.
'Bruce' is a hilarious and dramatic performance, spoofing genre conventions from sci-fi to westerns, with a healthy dose of car chases and gunfights, as well as a thrilling soundtrack. We sat down with the cast of 'Bruce', to discuss the challenges of working as a sponge in the industry, the director's vision, and connecting with the audience.
So, Bruce, what was it like working with the Tim and Wyatt, did they respect your boundaries?
Respect? Heck they created my boundaries. You see, I had a life before the stage. I lived most of my life as a mattress. It was a good job; steady, cushy. But you know how it is, people move on. They want 'springs', and 'chiropractic support' and 'no pee stains'... I got made redundant. After YEARS of loyal service they threw me out on the street. Literally.
It was then that I decided I needed a career change, but what could I do? I was literally stuck in a mattress on the side of the road that was destined for landfill. That's when Tim and Wyatt discovered me. The took me back to their house and went at me with a bread knife. At first I was terrified, and it hurt, BAD. But once it was done I felt... reborn. I was now a block. They shoved some pingpong balls in me and all of a sudden, I could see! They sliced me a mouth... I could talk! And I haven’t stopped talking since.
Sure from time to time they make me say and do things I'd rather not say and do. But hey, I'm just glad to be working again.
What with you being a sponge, has anyone ever accidentally washed their car with you?
God NO! That sounds awful! Though Tim and Wyatt did once try and wash ME. That was horrible. They pulled out my eyes, soaked me in water, and tried to scrub me with soap. It was a disaster! I thought I was gonna die! My skin started peeling off, and I took weeks to dry. It was so bad they even hired a replacement for me; Burce. I thought it was all over, but I set my mind to task. I got dry, and I'm back and glad to be working again. But I'm still scared of water.
What attracted you to the career of being an astronaut?
I guess you could say I just fell into it. It was never what I intended to do, but I have always been someone who rolls with the punches. And I tell you what, it's awfully beautiful up there.
And Debbie, what's it like to work at mission control while pregnant?
Oh Fine. I don't really think about it much to tell you the truth. My main priority is to keep the launch on schedule. We have had some setbacks, and challenges sure, but challenges are exciting to overcome. In fact, do you know anything about quantum entanglement? Because we are currently hiring.
How do you think fatherhood changed you as a sponge, Bruce?
I don't want to give anything away so I'll just say this...
Now Joe, what do you think set you on the path of becoming a bad guy? Did something happen in your childhood?
I was never bad guy. Everything was going my way. Until Bruce ruined it all. I am not bad guy, Bruce just has what is coming to him. Now get out of my WAY!
Bartender, how do you feel about being the sympathetic ear to everyone's problems?
It’s traumatic! People get up to the most %#$^%& up things with their lives. I have nightmares about it all.
Your production company also performed 'Alvin Sputnik' and 'It's Dark Outside', how does your show compare to these previous efforts?
I have never seen them. But from what I hear they are pretty different, but have the same heart.
What's the strangest audience reaction you've ever had?
So I do a bunch of mime in the show, and most of the time everyone is aware of what I am miming. But one time a lady came up to Tim weeks after seeing the show and said ‘I loved the show, but one piece of feedback, Debbie shouldn't masturbate in that first scene... SHE DOESNT MASTURBATE!! NO ONE DOES!! WHAT THE HELL DID SHE THINK WAS HAPPENING!?
Do you feel discriminated against as puppets in the mostly human world of theatre?
Yeah, check your privilege humans!
'Bruce' performs the Royal Croquet Club 12-21 February as part of Adelaide Fringe Festival which runs 12 February – 14 March.