Bernie Dieter's Club Kabarett Has One Hell Of A Party In Store For Fringe World

Bernie Dieter - Image © Theresa Harrison
Krystle is an experienced journalist who interviews musicians and other creatives for scenestr. You might spot her in the wild at music festivals, comedy nights, and the occasional death metal gig.

What do a bikie in fishnets and a woman celebrating her divorce anniversary have in common? They both found the courage to embrace their deepest desires in the comforting chaos of 'Bernie Dieter’s Club Kabarett'.

If you’re brave enough to venture into one of Perth’s abandoned warehouses during Fringe World, you can run away to Bernie’s circus too. Just make sure you walk into the right warehouse.

According to Bernie, it won’t be hard to spot. “We're taking over The Ice Cream Factory in Northbridge and transforming it into our very own Berlin cabaret club. Think Berghain meets Weimar Punk meets The KitKatClub for the modern era,” she explains, a twinkle of mischief in her voice. “You really get the Berlin club vibes, very industrial, lots of metal, lots of beautiful reflection for the lights, but also really dark and moody and grungy.”

From the moment you enter this otherworld, you become part of a gloriously organic, free-flowing show. “Our beautiful cast is going to be in amongst you, meeting and greeting and being their gorgeous, seductive selves.” You’ll be guided to your seats, but from then on, you won’t know where the night’s going to take you. The one thing you will know? “It’s gonna be dangerous and debauched, and one hell of a party.”

Bernie has gathered some of the wildest performers from all over the world. Fresh from touring with Cirque du Soleil, performing in London’s West End, and exploring other exotic locales, this “menagerie of misfits” is converging on Perth for Fringe World.

From neon sword swallowing that turns the human body into a living lamp, to aerial artists who quite literally fly by the skin of their teeth, the one thing you can expect from 'Club Kabarett' is the unexpected.

“We have all new songs, all new acts, so it’s going to be really, really exciting.”

Having run away to Berlin at 16, Bernie has to dig deep to find a few hazy memories of her first brush with cabaret. “Oh gosh, that was a long time ago now,” she laughs. “I guess I fell in love with it in tiny dive bars. I lived in Berlin for some time and there was this amazing little dive bar that had drag queens performing.” Sinking into the memories, she shares that “it was edgy, it was political, but it was also funny and so welcoming and warm”.

As a young runaway welcomed into this unlikely space, Bernie was deeply influenced by the love and acceptance she received, and the rebellious energy uniting everyone. “That’s the spirit I try to bring to my shows as well – everyone is welcome, and we are all there for a good time. But we’re gonna make some statements as well.”

BernieDieter RachelMia
Image © Rachel Mia

Like most art, you can enjoy Bernie’s show on whichever level feels right for you. On the surface, it’s a dazzling spectacle that will surprise and delight you with the endless array of talent flying around the space. If you feel like sinking a little deeper into the experience, underlying every show is an invitation to shrug off your inhibitions and “let your freak flag fly.”

“What I love about the show is that it really does allow people to find freedom and joy in just releasing their inner child – the true you that you are hiding a lot in everyday life. . . I’ve had a lot of people say they see the show and want to change their lives. They want to run away with the circus.”

Bernie’s response to this and other ideas? “Yes! Just release your beautiful inner self; your weird and wonderful different self. . . That’s what makes us all beautiful and unique and, actually, what bonds us together.”

If you’ve been to one of Bernie’s shows before, you’ll know a touch of audience participation is always on the cards. Indeed, there’s no seat in the house that can guarantee you’ll get to sink into the shadows. If you’ve never been before, that may sound a little intimidating, But Bernie is happy to put your mind at ease.

“I am very gentle and loving in my audience participation. . . It’s never about making anyone feel small or embarrassed. It’s about lifting people up and celebrating them. That’s the kind of audience participation I do.”

Beyond the stage, Bernie is always up for a chat and often hangs around after her shows to connect with the audience in person. “It’s one of my favourite things because you hear beautiful stories. You get to meet the people who have just been with you through that experience, and it’s different every night.”

“I had a big bikie tell me once he wanted to maybe try wearing fishnets. . . I’ve had a woman come up and tell me that she is gonna go home and divorce her husband because she realised she was in an unhappy marriage, and she wanted to get out. Now she comes every year to celebrate her divorce date.”

Bernie is full of stories like this, and each one has touched her deeply. “It’s the best part, really. I love it. I stand there for far too long and get really emotional! But it’s why I do it – I love humans, and everyone has a beautiful story. So it’s lovely to connect in that way.”

Once you’ve gotten a big dose of that mysterious energy that makes people want to divorce their husbands, try on fishnets, or at the very least, party all night, what should you do with it? “Just keep drinking,” Bernie says, only half kidding. “But really, I think it’s about finding that energy, being in the moment with it, and keeping it alive. Allow your night to maybe go in a different direction than you would’ve initially thought, make some new friends at the bar, talk to people you don’t know – make those connections and see where the night takes you.”

'Bernie Dieter’s Club Kabarett' plays Ice Cream Factory (Fringe World) 17 January-16 February.

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