Adam Mada: Magic In Melbourne

Adam Mada
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Sydney magician Adam Mada has announced five evening shows for the Melbourne Magic Festival at the Northcote Town Hall.

Over four days, the illusionist will perform some of his best tricks yet, including a matinee performance, to keep even his youngest fans entertained.

Adam is known for exposing the world's most elaborate heist-style scams on Channel 9 and BBC UK's success show The Real Hustler, guest judging magic panels, and conducting workshops for professional magicians all over the globe.

Moreover, he's an Ambassador for the Australian children's charity, Starlight Children's Foundation, working as their magic coach. If that wasn't enough, celebrity author Tara Moss has even based a character on the magician in her best selling novel, Siren

Adam Mada performs at Melbourne Magic Festival 4-7 July. Get your tickets here.

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