5 Ways To Enjoy Absinthe

The Green Fairy
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

An adult-themed cocktail of circus, burlesque and vaudeville for a 21st Century audience, 'Absinthe' is hosted by the filthy rich – and just plain filthy – Gazillionaire.

Along with his whacky assistant Abby Bobbins, the duo have become two of the most acclaimed and subversive comedy forces in Las Vegas in recent years by parodying political correctness with their dark wit. It’s not only the artists who create the magic of 'Absinthe'. The show is currently being presented in Sydney in a 700-seat antique Spiegeltent, furnished with beveled mirrors, plush velvet seating booths and a well-stocked bar in King George Square. It’s the most intimate stage in town, with the artists dedicated to performing their jaw-dropping, breath-taking acts up close and very personal.

GazillionaireThe Gazillionaire

The Gazillionaire has compiled his Top 5 ways to enjoy 'Absinthe' – and they're just as dirty as he is:

Be well-lubricated

Have a few cocktails before you arrive; the more you drink, the funnier I am. Plus the lights can get really trippy. ​

Sit as close as you can – but beware​ of the crotch section

It's a lot of grape smuggling with all the spandex-wearing acrobats. Make the most out of the unique and intimate Spiegeltent, but mind your surroundings, we don't want to get sued. You'll know what I am talking about when you visit the show.


Ignore my hopeless assistant Abby Bobbins

She is the most annoying person on the face of the earth, but I can't get rid of her. She works for free and spit shines my shoes in-between acts. ​

With your perve-goggles on

There’s something for everyone, even the gays/ pensioners!

Remember, what happens in the spiegeltent, stays in the spiegeltent

But if you have to be on your phone and take pictures, make sure you get my good side. I hate crappy photos of me posted all over the internet. ​

'Absinthe' performs under The Spiegeltent, Hyde Park until 25 October.

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