Actor, creator, producer and avid traveller, Elizabeth Scales, is about to adorn the stage (and silver-screen) of the New Globe Theatre with her one-woman show, 'Becoming Bette'.
Dazzling and enthralling the audience 'Becoming Bette' has a song or two, a dance, an epic silver-screen monologue, a lot of musing and storytelling and – how could any self-proclaimed diva put on a show without the assistance of a beautiful samba showgirl – a show-stopping opening number.
This icon-inspired, mostly autobiographical, theatrical delight takes the audience on a journey of grandeur, passion and the celebration of the diva within all of us. It’s light, it’s honest, it’s entertaining and it has heart. But how does a Brisbane girl, born and bred, inspired by the iconic Bette Davis and the divine Miss Midler, take the lead to create her own path in taking the courage, no permission required, to inherent the enormous task of 'Becoming Bette' – the next iconic Bette… From Brisvegas?
Here are just five ways Elizabeth has become Bette:
Delusions of grandeur start at a very young age. ALWAYS listen to the passing comments of childhood prodigy status – your blind confidence will blow the naysayers out of the water! Ride that high into adulthood so you become who YOU say you will be. Always rock to your own beat and pack up your trailer and move on if you’re not feeling the love!
Socialise Right
To become Bette, one must be a socialite from the beginning. Able to work any tea party situation, always ready for a candid snap and welcoming anyone to the table for a good old catch up over a lamington!... To the left.. In blue. Look at that hospitality!
Do. But maybe don’t… But then again, maybe DO (because of the strength of character it built). Shave your head as a prepubescent tomboy about to enter an all girl’s high school, because you think The Cranberries are cool and you’ll totally rock Delores’s haircut as a chubby 13-year-old…Yes. That’s Pugsley, again, on the left.
There is always, always time to lose yourself in dance. To just let go, forget about it all and break free… Jagger style! No permission required.
Travel as much and as far as you can. Freedom is a mechanical bird and the world awaits to open your eyes to the glorious and infinite magnificence and wonder of this life. Oh, and always have a showgirl on hand. Just in case you need to break out the fact that you’ve Become Bette. An icon. A Diva. A revelation.
'Becoming Bette' plays New Globe Theatre, 13-22 May.