Ruckus is a Brisbane slam event featuring poets, performers, writers, vaudevillians and more competing for glory and prizes that 'may or may not be worth something'.
Held every third, fourth Wednesday of the month, the next instalment takes place this week. If you're unfamiliar with the world of slam poetry, the guys at Ruckus have supplied this list of the types of people you can expect to meet at a slam gathering.
The Heckler
This breed of poetry slam punter is quite different to the comedy heckler you hear so much about. In fact, The Heckler can often be the best part of the night, particularly if they are selected as a judge and the host picks a fight with them.
If you’re lucky, The Heckler will be funnier than the host. Unfortunately when you get a really unfunny Heckler (which is surprisingly common when you encourage drinking on a Wednesday night and add an open microphone) they make the whole night awkward for everybody. And not only because of their embarrassed girlfriend.
The Def Jam
Step one: YouTube 'slam poetry'. There is no step two. Congratulations, you’ve found yourself a Def Jam, a poet whose precise punctuation is poised with rhythmic and percussive perfection and whose hand motions are matched in sly, synchronistic soliloquy with the inevitable rising tide of their emotion as they pick up the pace in a way that makes you think 'I didn’t understand that. But it sure was fast. Five points.'
The Heartbreaker
We all know the poet who will get up on stage and is so honest they make everybody cry and need a cigarette break. The Heartbreaker is an interesting beast because they are guaranteed to provoke two contrasting emotions in everybody. Admiration and gooeyness at their emotional vulnerability, but also a deep sense of loathing that they are so goddamn happy with their own life... the jerks.
The Bill Murray
This poet has figured out the system in a way that you don’t quite understand. What they say on stage shouldn’t work. But it does. They are hilarious and ironic in their deadpan delivery and subtle understanding of an unpolished performance. But is that deliberate? Or are they being genuine? It’s impossible to tell. But either way, it is hilarious and will likely be the highlight of your night.
The New One
This is the first time you have ever seen this poet, but when their name is called they will get out on stage and against all odds absolutely kill it. They are often still wearing their formal clothes from a day at the office, with sleeves rolled up and a beer in hand and will usually be accompanied by an entire New One cheer squad who will deafen the place when the New One is called.Ruckus is a monthly poetry slam held the third/ fourth Wednesday of the month at the New Globe Theatre (Brisbane). The next event is 20 April.