5 Times Jimmy HalfCut Used His Beard For Good, Not Evil

Half the beard but double the laughs - Jimmy HalfCut splits hairs (and sides) at Adelaide Fringe.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Jimmy has been at the forefront of activism in Australia for over 25 years, and he's on a mission again.

He wants to save the world, but it takes a lot of work. In his new show, he'll share everything he's learnt so far.

Here, he shares five times he used his (half) beard for good.


It's weird isn't it, common it's weird, half a beard? But Jimmy HalfCut is on a mission to save the planet with his beard. Well, half a beard. His HalfCut for 365 days, a whole year to end climate change by ending deforestation. Why 50 per cent of the world's forests are gone. Jimmy's going to end that.


"Lose a bet mate?" Jimmy politely replies, "no, but we are betting with mother nature, half the world's forests are gone, we have lost a lung. You can join me 31 August for National HalfCut Day. We have beer sponsors with every beer sold helping save an acre. No rainforests, no water, no beer. We are HalfCut in two ways!"


Every pub Jimmy goes to he is offered free beers from both the bar and the punters. He politely thanks them and encourages them to make an online donation instead, starting their own rainforest protection counter saving three acres of rainforests. Every $2.50 protects one acre of rainforest.


Jimmy now gets 50 per cent off Subway and donates the amount owing to the campaign to protect further rainforests for threatened and endangered species.


Everyone likes to stroke a beard, but now people have the best of both worlds. Jimmy has become a walking, talking and touching billboard for those trying to figure out if they want beard, clean-shaven face or BOTH!

Jimmy HalfCut plays Mercury Cinema 21, 23 and 24 February.

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