5 Things To Find Inside Madame Nightshade's Poison Garden In Perth

Madame Nightshade
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Madame Nightshade is bringing her absurd games, twisted rituals and Tarantino-inspired anarchy to Perth in a dark comedy, with bite.

In The Poison Garden, vegetables are transformed into weapons, Snow White is a spring onion wielding samurai...

Here are five more things you'll find in The Poison Garden.

Buried secrets

Beatrice is the shape-shifting secret-seeker and it's her job to find secrets and expose them. They have been buried a long while, but now is the time for them to be dug up. Big ones, small ones, she loves them all. And what fun it is to open them all up! Perhaps you have a few of your own that you may be hiding?

Gardening tips

Garden-punk style! Beatrice will teach you how to make your very own compost, from your very own pile of shit, in your very own backyard… But don’t worry, you won’t have to get your hands dirty – Beatrice will serve you up something much more palatable.

Madame Nightshade 2
Image © Theresa Harrison

Vegetable manipulation

You’ve been told not to play with your food, but Madame Nightshade can! Eggplants, spring onions, chillis and celery become weapons of mess entertainment as she stir fries a mixture of pop-culture, fantasy and political bite!

125 crushed Twisties

Things are bound to get a bit twisted when Beatrice is on the loose! These little orange treats are nasty, yet tasty. Crush them up though and they become something totally different – is it fairy-dust, or toxic rain?

A watering can

One that turns to water to... Is it wine? Or is it something else? What's your poison? Perhaps if you're very interested you'll be invited to the garden table to share a little with your glamorous host. She's a pink-haired Madame who loves to entertain her guests with cabaret, silent opera and Snow White and martial arts. So come along to the most devilish garden party you're likely to experience!

'Madame Nightshade's Poison Garden' plays The Studio at The Blue Room Theatre from 20-24 February.

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