In an Australian premiere, Adelaide Festival Of Arts presents the Broadway version of 'Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo'; bigger, better and more evolved.
This charming and captivating ancient world will introduce audiences of all ages to a menagerie of prehistoric creatures, from adorable baby dinosaurs to some of the largest carnivores and herbivores that have ever walked the planet. The interactive, hands-on experience will allow dino lovers to get up close and personal to the creatures of the past, reversing the extinction process with sophisticated, realistic puppetry.
Don’t have a time-travelling submarine? 'Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium' is the next best thing. Dive into the action of this ancient aquatic world and swim up close to the amazing prehistoric marine reptiles that inhabit it. This truly immersive theatre show’s lifelike puppets recreate an extinct underwater universe you won’t want to leave. Primeval swimwear not required.
Artistic Director of 'Erth', Scott Wright details the Top 5 things kids have done on stage at the shows:
During the joke telling moment at the start of the show a little girl told a rather lengthy joke that had us all very concerned about it being racist, but it all ended up very funny, well-executed and involved our Prime Minister jumping out of plane without a parachute.TWO
A child came on stage uninvited and when asked if he would go and sit back down he refused, so a group of kids took it upon themselves to come up and remove him so the show could go on.
When doing the show at an outdoor venue one kid (during a rather scary moment) jumped off the stage and ran out into the car-park and pretended to be a tree (because carnivores don't eat trees).FOUR
When doing the show in New Zealand for 400 school kids they created a human tsunami that tumbled over itself when the carnivore entered the stage, to the absolute delight of all the teachers.
At the end of one of our laboratories (testing children responses to our underwater environment) several children started crying, not because they were scared but because they didn't want it to end.'Erth's Dinosaur Zoo' performs Norwood Concert Hall 27 February – 6 March, 'Erth's Prehistoric Aquarium' performs the same venue 10-13 March.