Digi Youth Arts' performance of 'Don't Read The Comments' explores the oppressive nature of freedom of speech online, using verbatim comments from media articles. Performing at 2high Festival Of Art, Science And Ideas – a festival by and for youths – 'DRTC' will challenge the electronic frontier. Alethea Beetson, the Artistic Director of Digi Youth Arts, has compiled five reason why you shouldn't read the comments:
Once you scroll and click, you will never get that time or respect for society back.

Your friends stop sending you well-constructed, thoughtful and substantiated articles because you skip past all of that good stuff so you can read this:
You binge watch all of 'The Office' to combat your comment-fuelled rage. (On the plus side, every time you read a particularly bad comment you make like Jim Halpert and break the imaginary fourth wall).
You realise your amazing friends have sheltered you from this guy’s not so amazing friends and that people like this actually exist.
You almost break your laptop because of someone’s complete and utter lack of internal logic and literary knowledge.