5 Magic Things In Everyday Life With Magician Kevin Quantum

Kevin Quantum
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Award-winning magician Kevin Quantum presents the Adelaide debut of his show 'Illuminations'.

The show comes to Adelaide after sell-out runs at Edinburgh Fringe in 2015 and 16.

Ten years ago, Kevin paused his Physics PhD to become a magician, and has thrived in his field. 'Illuminations' is aptly inspired by light, our relationships with it and the thoughts and feelings it can evoke.

Here, Kevin lists five things that are magic in everyday life.


I think flying in a plane is magic. One, two million kilograms of steel floating in the air. Amazing.


Rainbows are amazing, I think they’re proper amazing.


If you’re in your 30s like me you may remember a time when smart phones weren’t about. When you think about then and now… the tech shift has been so rapid. Amazing.


Watching a magician. Having your senses manipulated and your understanding of the world challenged is such a wonderful experience.


Laughter. Being with your mates/family and having a laugh. Nothing more special than that.

'Illuminations' shows at Corona Theatre in the Garden of Unearthly Delights from 17 February-19 March.

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