Melbourne Shakespeare Company are a contemporary and forward-thinking ensemble re-imaging 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
Directed by acclaimed British director Jennifer Sarah Dean, this family friendly show sees the Bard's classic comedy thrown into the urban forest of Melbourne's CBD packed full of music, mayhem and laughs.
The Mechanicals in the show - Jonathan Peck, Nick Murphy, Ben Adams, John Reed, Myles Tankle and Benjamin Adams - have highlighted their top 5 lines Shakespeare would approve of if he used Tinder:

“O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?" - Romeo and Juliet.
Ah yes, a great opening line in that first awkward message conversation. Says things like ‘please talk to me’, ‘I’m so interested in you’, ‘don’t leave me hanging’ while also posing as a great follow up text for that date where you went home alone. But boy do you have an excellent post-date message.“She’s beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; she is woman and therefore to be won” - Henry VI
This ones for you boys. An excellent line to pop under those masculine photos on your profile. Automatically shows you’ve got the skills to treat a woman right, while possibly opening up intellectual discussions such as her views on feminism. Maybe she’ll message you saying she doesn't feel she needs to be ‘won’… and if our calculations are correct this means a conversation has started.
“You have witchcraft in your lips” - Henry VI
Perfect after that first date. Smack this one out guys and girls and wait for the sexy response. Probably don't send before kissing however, we wouldn’t want them knowing you’ve zoomed into their lips so hard you’ve formed an opinion.“O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek” - Romeo and Juliet.
What better way to show a bit of sophistication and admiration when contacting that hunk of spunk you just matched with. Feel free not to mention Shakespeare here and see how long you get away with it.“Did my heart love till now? For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” - Romeo and Juliet
Another excellent one for both initial conversations or that first date. Thanks Shakes. For true effect try whispering it as they approach you for the first time or even to yourself when in awe, that’s also fun.'A Midsummer Night's Dream' performs Melbourne's Testing Grounds 19-27 March.