5 Favourite Things About A Thoroughly Modern Jazz Age With Alana Shepherdson

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Adelaide-born, New York-trained performer Alana Shepherdson has worked everywhere from Broadway to TV shows like 'McCleod's Daughters' and 'Neighbours' – she's even been a backing dancer for MC Hammer.

Now she's roaring into the 1920s playing the title role in musical comedy 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' at Adelaide's Arts Theatre.  Here, she lists her favourite things about being a "thoroughly modern" gal of the jazz age.

thomastimelessevent1Image © Thomas at Timeless Event Photography

Dancing the Charleston!

I love any dancing of course, but the dances of the jazz age were so lively and bright, and such a move away from the more sedate styles of Edwardian times. I'm a trained dancer, so there's nothing quite like “kicking up your heels” for me, and 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' gives us all a chance to do that, with a lot of tapping too.

Flapper fashion

1920s fashion was such a jump away from corsets and traditional restrictive clothing, and was a chance for women to be more active and independent too. In the show, Millie makes the transition from an old fashioned country girl to a new-age “modern” with style and determination. I love the dresses and accessories – full of style, colour, sparkle and glamour!

Jazz, of course!

It wasn't called "the jazz age" for nothing. So much music from the 1920s has stayed with us as well-known standards today. 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' is quite a new show, having premiered in 2000, but the songs really reflect the era perfectly. They're fun and lively, or smoky blues in style, but with a modern Broadway musical edge.

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New York City

Millie arrives in New York looking to start a new life, which is something I can relate to as I did the same thing myself! I moved to NYC in 2011 to take up a scholarship in musical theatre, and got to work with some amazing Broadway stars like Kristy Cates ('Wicked'), Thom Christopher Warren ('The Lion King') and Deidre Goodwin ('Chicago'). In the show, Millie finds the city full of jazz, intrigue and excitement as she whirls through the speakeasies and mischief. It makes me long to go back!

Good old fashioned romance

In 'Millie' it's girl meets boy – and eventually they fall in love. I mean, there are some complications (like, um, a bit of kidnapping...) but hey, at least she doesn't have to resort to Tinder! No online dating – bliss.

'Thoroughly Modern Millie' is on at The Arts Theatre, Adelaide from 29 September-8 October.

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