5 Reasons To Be A Musician With Jay Hoad

Jay Hoad
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Jay Hoad is a Fiji-born didgeridoo artist and stringed instrument virtuoso who has spent the last seven years touring the globe including the Caribbean, southeast Asia, Fiji, India and North America.

With a relentless performance schedule Jay shares the five reasons to become a muso.

1. The campfires on the open road.

2. The funky people you meet along the way.

3. The party (the hang).

4. Music breaks all language barriers; jamming with people in other countries that don't necessarily even speak the same language as you and being able to understand each other on a musical level is always incredible!

5. Playing your own music and being able to make people's day brighter, simply through a song.


Jay Hoad plays The Nook 18 July. Jay also has dates in Victoria and New South Wales.

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