Common Threads Wearable Art Competition 2016

Jo Bowman – Global Matriarch
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

The city of Mandurah is urging artists, designers, creatives and fashionistas across Australia to enter for next year’s Common Threads Wearable Art Competition, part of the annual Stretch Arts Festival.

The 2016 Wearable Art Competition challenges designers and creative minds to explore the theme: Illumination.

Wearable Art1Kerry Gelmi - Icosahedron

Common Threads was first introduced into the Stretch programme in 2011, with the aim of providing a platform for local designers to present their creations. The event has grown from a small designer show featuring 18 garments to become a major highlight of the festival programme, complete with a full length theatrical showcase and exhibition within a contemporary art space.

Wearable Art45Amber Ponta-Churchill and Perri Reid – Tea Warrior

This year’s theme was Fabrication, with the showcase event playing out in front of a packed crowd on Mandurah Performing Arts Centre’s main stage. Adding to the excitement, 2015 was the first year the competition went global, with international entries received from the USA and New Zealand, as well as local and national submissions.

Wearable Art4Mayhla Howells – Aoraki - Mt Cook - Cloud Piecer

First place winner with her piece Icosahedron, Bunbury artist Kerry Gelmi won a trip to New Zealand to attend the 2015 World of Wearableart Showcase.

Common Threads Wearable Art is described as extravagant, revolutionary, provocative works of art on the body. It crosses many disciplines including textile art, sculpture, and construction and involves many skill levels.

Wearable Art3RT Kids – Steam Punk Alica

The competition provides a great opportunity and platform for people to share their creative pieces and engage in their local community.

Early bird (discounted) entries for the 2016 Competition close 31 October 2015 and final entries (full price) close 30 November 2015.

The Common Threads Wearable Art Competition is held as part of Stretch Arts Festival.

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